Pet Urgent Care in Fort Collins, CO
MVMC offers same-day appointments for pet urgent care during our office hours. ANY concern you have about your pet’s health warrants, at minimum, a call to your veterinarian.
Pet urgent care includes any concerning symptoms your pet may have including:
Ear or eye infections
Wounds and lacerations
Allergic reactions, hives, swelling
Toxin ingestion (antifreeze, chocolate, xylitol, onions, rodenticide, certain plants, medications, grapes, etc.).
If your pet consumes something toxic, bring the package with you. It will be extremely helpful in determining diagnosis and treatment.
For additional guidance on toxins, contact the PET POISON CONTROL HOTLINE: (855) 764-7661.
Pet Emergencies
True pet emergencies are situations that demand immediate life-saving intervention from a veterinarian. If your pet exhibits any of the following symptoms, it is crucial to bring them to the clinic or an emergency hospital without delay. Prompt attention can make a significant difference in the outcome for your pet’s health and well-being. Pet urgent care is essential in these critical moments to ensure the best possible recovery. Remember, recognizing the need for pet urgent care can save your pet’s life, as timely medical attention is vital in these emergencies.
If your pet’s behavior or symptoms concern you, it’s best to have your pet evaluated. These are the most common pet emergencies:
Bloated or rigid abdomen, abdominal pain
Heat exhaustion
Seizures, stroke
Inability/straining to urinate or defecate
Severe weakness, acute collapse, inability to walk or move limbs
Severe pain or extreme anxiety
Injuries or trauma such as snake bites, hit by car, bite wounds, broken bones
Uncontrolled bleeding
Difficulty breathing, choking, excessive panting, pale or bluish gums
Refusal to drink for 24 hours or longer
If your pet is experiencing an emergency, you may choose to go directly to a local 24/7 veterinary hospital:
Pet Poison Control Hotline: (855) 764-7661
We recommend storing these numbers in your phone so you are prepared in the event of a pet emergency.